Kaare Ruud
Retningen høner sparker
24.09. – 16.10.2022Retningen høner sparker, 2022 Installation view Gutters, 2022 Dimensions variable / corn dipped in gasoline, latex, grounded coffee, heart-shaped pa- percup, bark, terracotta, leaves, wood, tin, spiders, found newspaper with crosswords, eggshells, walnuts, acorns, snailshells, various leafage, palm, house-keys, car-keys, grounded eggshells, iron reliefs, dirt, collected dust from various origins, bone fragments, garlics, cloth, clips, pistacchio-shells, rope, plugs, screws, nuts, thistles, found glass bottle, bowl, found birdsnest from my house, bird wings, bucket of dried paint from my house, amber, porcelain fragments, cut grass, artist-made crucibles, washers, horse- shoe, paperclay, ripped napkins, coin with two head-sides, ashes, roots, fortune cards. Retningen høner sparker, 2022 Installation view Retningen høner sparker, 2022 Installation view Retningen høner sparker, 2022 Installation view Untitled chair sculpture (siblings) Jeg har en tvilling som syr eplene tilbake på grenen Ettersom de faller ned, 2022 Dimensions variable/chairs, cigarette butts. Untitled chair sculpture (siblings) Jeg har en tvilling som syr eplene tilbake på grenen Ettersom de faller ned, 2022 Dimensions variable/chairs, cigarette butts. Retningen høner sparker, 2022 Dimensions variable/ Tin. Pewter, Arv.i, recession, love, agriculture, 05.09.2022, cli- mate change, a wasp that flew by, anxiety, depression, the future, Caroline, personal economy, compassion, a snail on my workbench, friendship, the past. Retningen høner sparker, 2022 Dimensions variable/ Tin. Pewter, Arv.i, recession, love, agriculture, 05.09.2022, cli- mate change, a wasp that flew by, anxiety, depression, the future, Caroline, personal economy, compassion, a snail on my workbench, friendship, the past. Retningen høner sparker, 2022 Dimensions variable/ Tin. Pewter, Arv.i, recession, love, agriculture, 05.09.2022, cli- mate change, a wasp that flew by, anxiety, depression, the future, Caroline, personal economy, compassion, a snail on my workbench, friendship, the past. Retningen høner sparker, 2022 Installation view Retningen høner sparker, 2022 Installation view Gutters, 2022 Dimensions variable (detail) / corn dipped in gasoline, latex, grounded coffee, heart-shaped pa- percup, bark, terracotta, leaves, wood, tin, spiders, found newspaper with crosswords, eggshells, walnuts, acorns, snailshells, various leafage, palm, house-keys, car-keys, grounded eggshells, iron reliefs, dirt, collected dust from various origins, bone fragments, garlics, cloth, clips, pistacchio-shells, rope, plugs, screws, nuts, thistles, found glass bottle, bowl, found birdsnest from my house, bird wings, bucket of dried paint from my house, amber, porcelain fragments, cut grass, artist-made crucibles, washers, horse- shoe, paperclay, ripped napkins, coin with two head-sides, ashes, roots, fortune cards. Gutters, 2022 Dimensions variable (detail) Gutters, 2022 Dimensions variable (detail) Gutters, 2022 Dimensions variable (detail) Gutters, 2022 Dimensions variable (detail) Gutters, 2022 Dimensions variable (detail) Gutters, 2022 Dimensions variable (detail) Gutters, 2022 Dimensions variable (detail) Gutters, 2022 Dimensions variable (detail) Gutters, 2022 Dimensions variable (detail) Gutters, 2022 Dimensions variable (detail) Gutters, 2022 Dimensions variable (detail) Gutters, 2022 Dimensions variable (detail) Gutters, 2022 Dimensions variable (detail) Gutters, 2022 Dimensions variable (detail)
Heerz Tooya proudly presents the solo exhibition, titled Retningen høner sparker, by Kaare Ruud. The exhibition contain new work and is a conclusion of his artist-in-residency at ARV.International in Vishovgrad.
Summoned prosaic treasures, inanimated spirits, and activities tore from everyday life. Kaare Ruud welcomes us to an alien reality with a breath of familiarity and slithering sensibility. Ruud's personal encounters with specific environments and objects often unfold as portraits of living memories, intellectual inquiries, and material pertinence. Specifically for the exhibition at Heerz Tooya, narratives are guttered.
Ruud usually treats found objects as living, dehumanized beings. Creatures tormented by the impersonal breath of infinity. Unified by metallic solidity, we see various collected materials unhierarchally expose a lineage of decay. Remnants of human ingenuity, floral tributes, and untold radioactivitata; are flooded, cloaked, toling the beauty of reincarnated materiality. A long line of relics floating beneath a gray sky. Neither its beginning nor its end can be seen. The interior rain presented to us in the exhibition space veil the unnameable reality of the natural world - earthened, pooled, poured, twisted, and carried with hidden little secrets. - Lars Nordby
Призовани прозаични съкровища, неодушевени духове и дейности, откъснати от ежедневието. Коре Рууд ни приветства в една извънземна реалност с дъх на познатост и плъзгаща се чувствителност. Личните срещи на Рууд със специфична среда и обекти често се разгръщат като портрети на живи спомени, интелектуални запитвания и материална уместност. Конкретно за изложбата в Галерия Heerz Tooya, разказите са разпръснати.
Рууд обикновено третира намерените предмети като живи, дехуманизирани същества. Създания, измъчвани от безличния дъх на безкрая. Обединени от метална твърдост, виждаме различни събрани материали нейерархично изложени наяве в линия на разпадане. Останки от човешка изобретателност, цветя и неизказана радиоактивност; наводнени, прикрити, носещи красотата на превъплътената материалност. Дълга поредица от реликви, носещи се под сивото небе. Не се вижда нито началото, нито краят. Дъждът събран във вътрешното пространство на изложбата ни разкрива воала на неназовимата реалност на природния свят - заземен, натрупан, излят, усукан и носен със скрити малки тайни. - Ларс Нордби
Kaare Ruud (b. 1993, Norway) lives and works in Oslo, Norway. He holds an MFA at the Oslo National Academy of the Arts (2020) and a BFA at the Bergen Academy of Art (2018). His solo exhibitions include Landlyst at Sol in Nexø, Denmark (2022); Days, weeks, years (ode til den apatiske) at Galleri Toll in Stockholm, Sweden (2021); Album & Volum at Norsk Billedhoggerforening in Oslo, Norway (2021); Summoning: Bird. Improvising a Scandinavian noir bedtime story at Løvens hule in Oslo, Norway (2019); and A body without organs at Galleri Fisk in Bergen, Norway (2017). www.kaareruud.com
Коре Рууд (р. 1993 г., Норвегия) живее и работи в Осло, Норвегия. Има магистърска степен от Националната академия по изкуства в Осло (2020 г.) и бакалавърска степен в Академията по изкуства в Берген (2018 г.). Неговите самостоятелни изложби включват Landlyst в Галерия Sol в Nexø, Дания (2022); Дни, седмици, години (ode til den apatiske) в Galleri Toll в Стокхолм, Швеция (2021); Album & Volumat Norsk Billedhoggerforening в Осло, Норвегия (2021); Призоваване: Птица. Импровизиране на скандинавска ноар приказка за лека нощ в Løvens hule в Осло, Норвегия (2019); и Тяло без органи в Galleri Fisk в Берген, Норвегия (2017). www.kaareruud.com
The exhibition is supported by the Municipality of Veliko Turnovo, the Bulgarian National Fund for Culture, OCA - Office of Contemporary Art in Norway, The Norwegian Art Council, and Tequila Bar Fnky Mnky.
Изложбата е подкрепена от Община Велико Търново, Национален Фонд Култура, OCA - Офис за съвременно изкуство в Норвегия, Норвежкият съвет по изкуствата и Tequila Bar Fnky Mnky.⁄