Heerz Tooya

Ilina Peneva
The man who took the aquarium

20.01. – 11.02.2024
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A flux of unexpected events unfolds itself before me. An aquarium missing, divested of its public presence. The steady flow of the focused process bursts into a multiverse of hypothesis. Entanglement of life interfering and an act of creation. Who is the catalyst?

He’s an 80-year old concept of the streets, having his own overt interventions. Apart from playing music and selling books, he widens perception of existential surrounding processes. What a man, what a life, what an artistic act to involuntarily involve yourself in connected creative experience.

A not so invisible anymore string links every moment in the happening timeframe. An investigation of extant participation.

Ilina Peneva is a Bulgarian artist and curator that bases her practice on connection and togetherness. She has a Bachelor’s and Master’s in Art pedagogy. In her personal curatorial practice, she bases her work with artists on the idea that learning is a mutual creative process. Collectively creating an appropriate environment for the natural development of an already existing artistic personality. A creative act that does not rest on setting end goals to be accomplished, but gives equal importance to the journey a person takes to achieve them;

In her explorations as an educator, she finds more and more indications that this approach is not only applicable to any age group, but also beneficial to the development of creative flow inter-medially.

The exhibition is supported by Tequila Bar Fnky Mnky.

  • Tequila Bar Fnky Mnky