Heerz Tooya

Chloé Malloggi
doubt is my support system

27.07. – 13.08.2024
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    doubt is my support system, 2024 Installation view
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    doubt is my support system, 2024 Font of the texts on walls: Adelphe by Eugénie Bidaut, from the Thypothèque Bye Bye Binary
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    doubt is my support system, 2024 Paper, glue, acrylic paint (detail)
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    doubt is my support system, 2024 Paper, glue, acrylic paint (detail)
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    doubt is my support system, 2024 Paper, glue, acrylic paint (detail)
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    doubt is my support system, 2024 Paper, glue, acrylic paint (detail)
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    doubt is my support system, 2024 Paper, glue, acrylic paint
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    doubt is my support system, 2024 Paper, glue, acrylic paint (detail)
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    doubt is my support system, 2024 Installation view
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    doubt is my support system, 2024 Font of the texts on walls: Adelphe by Eugénie Bidaut, from the Thypothèque Bye Bye Binary
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    doubt is my support system, 2024 Paper, glue, acrylic paint / Font of the texts on walls: Adelphe by Eugénie Bidaut, from the Thypothèque Bye Bye Binary
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    doubt is my support system, 2024 Paper, glue, acrylic paint (detail)
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    doubt is my support system, 2024 Font of the texts on walls: Adelphe by Eugénie Bidaut, from the Thypothèque Bye Bye Binary

The title doubt is my support system embodies Chloé Malloggi’s collaboration process with the mediums paper, sculpture and words. As a site-specific artist she was inspired by the support system that is Vishovgrad — branches holding and supporting one another, she states “I hope my work can take care of someone else’s work”.

Leaning into the flexibility of paper and words, she gives her materials space to speak and is informed by her process of daily making, often made up of repetitive gestures as a mantra evocation of words.

Glueing together paper, adding water to transform into another shape,

action of folding, and unfolding,

the sculptures doubt the same question again and again

poetry, as a concept of language.

Chloé Malloggi (b.1999) is a French artist living in Bergen, Norway. She holds a Master degree in Fine Arts from the Bergen Art Academy, Norway and a Bachelor degree in Fine Arts from the Lyon Art Academy, France. Her work comes from an interest for paper and its language which take their final form as sculptural installations and editions.

Many thanks to Tequila Bar Fnky Mnky for providing beverages for the vernissage.

  • Tequila Bar Fnky Mnky